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The Victor Shargai Leadership Award was created in 2021 by Craig Pascal, husband of the late Victor Shargai, and the leadership of Theatre Washington. For decades, Victor was a champion of Washington, DC-area theatre, serving for many years as the Chair of the board of Theatre Washington. The Leadership Award created in his memory will honor an outstanding individual, group, or organization in the DC region’s theatre community each year. The annual award will recognize the recipient’s outstanding and creative leadership that has strengthened the regional theatre community through initiative, collaboration, advocacy, and  personal generosity, in a specific moment or over an extended period of time. Their impact can be at an organizational, industry, community, or regional level.


Please note: The nomination process for the award is open, but nominators are limited to ONE nomination per year. Self-nominations are permitted, and nominees may be individuals, groups, or organizations that have done exceptional work to support and sustain the Washington DC area’s theatre community.

The deadline for nominations in this period is Wednesday, November 22, 2023.

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* 1. Nominator Information - contact information is for verification purposes only and will not be shared.

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* 2. Nominee Information:

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* 3. Nominee’s role in the DC Theatre Community.

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* 4. Please tell us briefly why you are nominating this individual, group, or organization for the Victor Shargai Leadership Award. Information may include but is not limited to role in the regional theatre community; past achievements and awards; and ways that the nominee has contributed to a thriving and inclusive theatre community.

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