1. Mentoring Program Info

14% of survey complete.
This survey is part of a Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) project for Pennsylvania Academy of Leadership Studies (PALS) graduates. Our project goal is to create a PaLA mentorship program to facilitate leadership growth and potential in the association and across the state.

Please answer these questions about what you would like to see in a state-wide mentoring program for librarians.

Thank you for your time and thoughtfulness in completing this survey! Your survey questions will remain confidential.

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* 1. Are you a member of PaLA? If yes, then to which chapter of PaLA do you belong?

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* 2. In which types of libraries do you have professional experience? Select all that apply.

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* 3. How many years of professional library experience do you have?

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* 4. Does your place of work currently offer any type of formal/informal mentoring program?

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* 5. What do you think the minimum time requirement for a mentoring relationship should be?

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* 6. If you were a mentor or mentee, what would your preferred method of communication be? Select all in which you would be interested.

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* 7. Who should the targeted audience be for the mentees? Select all that apply.

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* 8. Would you like to answer more questions about being either a mentor or mentee?