Question Title

* 1. What subject was your student being taught in?

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* 2. Please rate your experience in the areas listed below

  Very poor Poor Average Good Very good
Scheduling of lessons (were you able to easily find a suitable time and stick to it?)
Ease of contacting your tutor
Flexibility of your tutor to add extra lessons, or rearrange/cancel a planned lesson
Reliability of your tutor (did they consistently turn up on time and prepared?)
Friendliness and helpfulness of your tutor
Communication from your tutor and/or Bay Tutoring

Question Title

* 3. Please rate your tutor's effectiveness in the following areas.

  Very poor Poor Average Good Very good
Planning a successful lesson
Communicating your student's progress
Involving you in your child's learning

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* 4. Is there any way you feel your tutor could have done more to aid your child's progress?

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* 5. Overall, how would you rate your tutor?

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* 6. Were you happy with the cost of the lessons?

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* 7. How would you rate your overall experience with Bay Tutoring?

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* 8. How likely would you be to recommend us to someone else?

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* 9. Please give a short testimonial on your tutor and Bay Tutoring. We may use this in marketing ourselves online and elsewhere.

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* 10. If you would like to, please enter your contact details below. We may use this to contact you regarding your answers and also with news and updates from Bay Tutoring (leave this blank if you don't want to).