Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Your answers will help us better understand how these tax preferences are administered for medical marijuana sales.
Basic Questions

Question Title

* 1. How many marijuana retail stores do you own or manage?

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* 2. Does your retail location have a medical marijuana endorsement? Please select the most appropriate response.

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* 3. Please briefly describe the factors you consider when deciding whether to obtain or renew a medical marijuana endorsement.

Individual Preferences
We'd like to know more about the steps your store(s) have had to take in order to offer these sales tax exemptions. Have you had to change procedures, train employees, modify your point-of-sale system? Or if you don’t offer the exemption, please write that instead.

Question Title

* 4. Medical Marijuana Sold to Qualifying Patients (RCW 82.08.9998(1)(a)): 

To administer this preference, our retail store(s):

Question Title

* 5. Low THC Products Sold to Qualifying Patients (RCW 82.08.9998(1)(b)):

To administer this preference, our retail store(s):

Question Title

* 6. Marijuana with Low THC High CBD Ratio (RCW 82.08.9998(1)(c)):

To administer this preference, our retail store(s):

Other Questions

Question Title

* 7. What types of products are customers generally interested in when the customer is purchasing marijuana for medical uses (whether they have a recognition card or not)?

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* 8. Do you have any other feedback or comments for JLARC staff as we continue our review of medical marijuana tax preferences?

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* 9. VOLUNTARY: If you would like to chat or correspond with us, we’d be happy to hear from you. If so, please provide your contact information below.