Please share your views and help shape our national advocacy efforts!

The Building Material Council of Canada (BMCC) is the National Association that represents the interests of the Canadian Building Supply Industry as a whole. Made up of the Building Supply Industry Association of British Columbia, the Western Retail Lumber Association, the Lumber and Building Materials Association of Ontario, and the Atlantic Building Supply
Dealers Association, BMCC provides a platform for collaboration to build a healthier industry and a strong unified voice.

BMCC is surveying all members in order to obtain feedback on your priorities for our national advocacy efforts. Please take three minutes and share your views!

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* 1. First, please tell us about you. Are you a...

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* 2. How important is it to you to have an organization that speaks for the building material industry at the national level?

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* 3. Please indicate how important you think it is for the Building Material Council of Canada to have a position on the following national issues?

  Very important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important
Adequate legislation and testing for use of marijuana in workplace
Amending the Canada Transportation Act to address rail car shortages
A new fiscal incentive to encourage home renovation, home "greening"
Free internal trade between provinces in materials, services, and personnel
Needs of building materials sector protected in international trade agreements
Sustained and predictable investment in national highway system
Lower corporate tax rate for small businesses
Lower credit card interchange fees
Tax reform for small business owners: allowing income splitting; sprinkling
Immigration policy that helps ensure future needs of sector are met, including access to temporary foreign workers
Repeal of the Federal Fair Wages & Hours of Labour Act, as it overlaps with provincial jurisdiction
Better access to training grants and contributions

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* 4. Are there any other issues that you would like to see BMCC address on the National level?

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* 5. Would you be interested in personally participating in national advocacy efforts?

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* 6. If you are interested in personally participating in advocacy efforts, please provide your contact information so that we may follow up.