Smart Rural Community Assesment Survey Navarre

1.How many years have you lived, consecutively, in your town?
2.Do you live within the City Limits?
3.If yor live outside the City Limits, how far out do you live?
4.What age groups are represented in your household (please check all that apply)
5.If you have moved to your community in the last 5 years, what was your reason for locating here? (please check all that apply)
6.Do you work for a local or regional company?
7.Do you work for a company that is located outside of Kansas?
8.Do you work from home via the internet?
9.If you commute to work, how long does it take you to get to work?
10.New people are welcome in your community
11.You feel you can make a difference in your community
12.You feel the people in your community work together to solve problems
13.Your community is a clean and attractive community
14.There opportunities to attract people to our community
15.How satisfied are you with the direction your community is headed?
16.How satisfied are you with the educational opportunities in your community?
17.Would you recommend moving to your community to a friend?
18.If you got the opportunity to give a testimony explaining why your community is a great place to live, what would you say? 
19.Would you be willing to allow TCT to use your testimony in our promotion of your community?
Current Progress,
0 of 19 answered