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* 1. Which of WSSRA's partners is your home district? 

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* 2. How did you hear about WSSRA Camp?

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* 3. Rate WSSRA's Day Camp registration process:

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* 4. Did WSSRA communicate camp information in a clear and timely manner?

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* 5. Which camp did your child attend this summer?

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* 6. Were you pleased with the variety of activities offered at camp?

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* 7. Were camp staff welcoming and professional?

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* 8. Did you feel confident in the abilities of your child's camp staff and supervisors?

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* 9. Please rate your overall communication with camp staff and supervisors:

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* 10. If you utilized transportation this summer, please rate your overall experience:

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* 11. Did you feel the program length was appropriate? 

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* 12. Did you feel the program fee was appropriate?

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* 13. Would you recommend WSSRA Camp?

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* 14. What suggestions or recommendations do you have to improve the overall quality of WSSRA's Day Camp program?