We have been asked by the INFORMS Publications Committee to evaluate the health and reputation of, and future directions for, INFORMS Analytics Collections. As part of the review process, we ask for your input. Please take a few minutes and share your thoughts about the collection. Survey responses will enable INFORMS Analytics Collections to improve its usefulness, readership, and reputation.

The INFORMS Analytics Collections Editorial Review Committee appreciates your feedback and input. Your identity will not be recorded or disclosed. Thank you in advance for taking about 10 minutes to respond to complete this survey.

INFORMS Analytics Collections Editorial Review Committee:
Susan Feng Lu (chair, Purdue University)
Rouba Ibrahim (Publications Committee liaison, University College London)
Rene Caldentey (University of Chicago)
Jing Wu (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Amrita Kundu (Georgetown University)
Matthew Walls (INFORMS liaison)