Question Title

* 1. Read each scenario and rate how often you feel as described.

  Never Sometimes Often
My child/student works hard at school but doesn't succeed as much as I'd like.
I feel like my child/student needs clearer dreams and goals.
My child/student doesn't make regular progress toward his/her dreams and goals.
I feel like s/he could do a lot more most days.
I believe my child/student has a lot of potential but doesn't know how to use/apply it.
In my heart, I know s/he's not really trying hard enough.
My child/student has some dreams & goals but little idea HOW to achieve them.
I see a beautiful future for my child/student - s/he just needs a roadmap.
My child/student doesn't manage time well - s/he usually doesn't complete what s/he needs to.
My child/student never has enough time to do all the things s/he wants or needs.

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* 2. I am requesting information for my...

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