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* 1. Please indicate who you are.  Por favor indique quien es usted. 

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* 2. What are some of the great things that are working well in RSUSD and or what are you most proud of?
Cuales son las gran cosas que estan funcionando bien en el distrito, de que estan orgullosos?

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* 3. What is not working well in RSUSD or schools and needs attention and help improving?
Cuales son las cosas que necesitan mas atencion o mejorar en el distrito? 

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* 4. What are some of the barriers to the success of our School District or specific school in RSUSD?
Cuales son los obstaculos sobre el exito del distrito? 

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* 5. What would you like to say to the leadership of the School District?
Que les gustaria dejar saber a los lideres del distrito? 

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* 6. What would you like to see from the district in order to build and maintain trust from the public?
Que les gustaria ver de parte del distrito para mejorar y mantener la confianza del publico? 

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* 7. Is there anything else you would like to say that is important and you have not mentioned?
Alguna otra cosa que les gustaria decir que sea importante pero no fue mencionado?