Plan Evaluation Survey

ACT's Plan for Maintaining, Repairing, Replacing, or Disposing of Equipment addresses proper procedures for the repair, maintenance, disposal and replacement of equipment.  Please review the plan, then respond to the short survey below.  Your feedback is important in helping us to increase the quality of our equipment plan.

Question Title

* 1. Name (optional):

Question Title

* 2. Institutional role:

Question Title

* 3. Please select the option that best describes your opinion about the institutional Plan for the Maintaining, Repairing, Replacing, or Disposing of Equipment:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral or not applicable Agree Strongly Agree
The plan adequately defines my role in the repair, maintenance, disposal, and replacement of equipment.
The plan adequately describes procedures for repair, maintenance, disposal, and replacement of equipment.
The plan adequately describes school procedures.