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* 1. How do you feel about the activities provided by The Kids Cottage?

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* 2. Do you feel informed about what is happening at The Kids Cottage?

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* 3. How do you feel about the administration of The Kids Cottage?

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* 4. How do you feel about the care provided by staff at The Kids Cottage?

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* 5. How do you feel about the menu at The Kids Cottage?

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* 6. Do you have any suggestions for menu options for Kids Cottage?

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* 7. Does The Kids Cottage meet your child's/children's needs?

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* 8. Does your child/childen enjoy The Kids Cottage Vacation Care?

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* 9. Do our emails, two termly newsletters, website and Xplor communication posts provide you with enough regular updates from The Kids Cottage? If not, what other methods of communication would you like us to use?

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* 10. Our Philosophy underpins everything decision we make at Kids Cottage.
At Kids Cottage we believe in providing an unbiased, age appropriate, create, active and fun program with a variety of choice, in a safe and caring environment. We believe in respecting individuality whilst challenging the children's growth cognitively, socially, emotionally and physically encouraging the development of essential life skills.
Do you believe Kids Cottage is still meeting our philosophy and are their any areas we could further develop? 

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* 11. Do you have some suggestions for Activities that you would like to be added to our program?

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* 12. Do you have any suggestions of activities you would like to see offered for our Before and After School Care extra curricular programs?

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* 13. Are their any Community Events you wish to see celebrated at Kids Cottage?

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* 14. Do you have any suggestions as to how we can further include your child/ren to have their say in the daily running and program at Kids Cottage? 

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* 15. Do you feel informed about which staff members work with your child/ren? Do you have any suggestions on how to further develop the relationship between our staff members and parents?

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* 16. Do you feel informed on our child safe policies and practices at Kids Cottage?

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* 17. Are you aware that all staff members are Mandatory Reporters and the Kids Cottage reporting process if a child is suspected to be at risk?  

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* 18. Would you like to participate in Kids Cottage as a parent? If so, how? (Eg. Run a workshop/activity for children, share your expertise with staff through training/professional development, assist with the parent management committee, etc.) If so please provide name in comment box below.

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* 19. Do you have anything that you would like to see improve at The Kids Cottage?

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* 20. Do you have anything else you would like to share with us?