Survey Information / Pepa o Faamatalaga

Through the Ombudsman (Komesina o Sulufaiga) Act of 2013, the Ombudsman’s Office has been tasked with preparing and submitting an annual State of Human Rights Report outlining the state of human rights and recommendations on ways to further protect and promote human rights in Samoa. This year this Office is preparing its second Report to be due to Parliament in June of 2016 with its focus on the rights of “Persons with Disability”.  

In an effort to make the process as participatory as possible, the Office aims to collect case studies from persons with disabilities, their family, carers, teachers, employers, friends, etc to highlight what it is like to live with a disability in Samoa. 

Please note that there is no right or wrong answer. We are looking to collect stories that highlight the challenges and successes of living with a disability in Samoa with the end goal of promoting greater participation in society. 

Completing this case study form is voluntary, personal details remain anonymous, and all information will be used solely for the Report.

O le Tulafono o le Komesina o Sulufaiga 2013, o loo aiaia ai le Ofisa o le Komesina o Sulufaiga ina ia tusia ma tuuina atu i tausaga uma le Lipoti o le Tulaga o Aia Tatau a Tagata Soifua, e faailoa ai le tulaga o iai aiā tatau faa le tagata soifua aemaise o ni fautuaga i ni auala e puipuia ma faalauiloa atili ai aia tatau a tagata soifua i Samoa. O le tausaga lenei, o loo galulue ai le Ofisa i le saunia lea o le lipoti lona lua e tuuina atu i le Palemene ia Iuni 2016 o loo taulai lea i le faatauaina o aiā tatau a i latou e iai manaoga faapitoa.

Ina ia mafai ona tele nisi e auai i lenei suesuega, ua manatu ai lenei Ofisa ina ia aoina mai ni mataupu/suesuega mai iai latou e iai manaoga faapitoa, o ō latou aiga, o ē o tausia i latou, faiaoga, o ē o loo faafaigaluegaina, o uo ma isi ina ia faailoa ai pe faapei le ola ma ni manaoga faapitoa i Samoa.

Mo le silafia, e leai se tali e sa’o pe sese. O le sini o lenei suesuega ina ia maua mai ni tala e faailoa ai ni luitau ma ni taunuuga lelei o le aumau faatasi ai ma se e iai se manaoga faapitoa i Samoa, faatasi ai ma le faamoemoe o le unaia lea o le auai i le faapotopotoga o tagata lautele.

O  le faatumuina o lenei suesuega e fai i le loto malie, e lē faailoaina ou faamatalaga faaletagata ma o faamatalaga uma foi o lea tuuina mai, o lea faaogaina lea mo na’o le Lipoti lava.