Online, Mobile Friendly Ed Session Survey - 2025 SE Regional

We welcome your feedback for any and all the sessions you attend. We want to make SE Regional your go-to Conference for specialty crop information and networking.
1.Did this educational session provide you with timely information that will help you incorporate science-based tools to tackle pests and diseases, enhance yields, optimize inputs, improve efficiency, boost economic returns, and/or conserve resources?
2.Do you anticipate implementing any best practices presented for pest and disease control, technologies, or innovations in your operation?
3.If you answered yes to the previous question, which practices would you be most likely to implement?
4.Please rate the quality of educational information presented at the conference.
No New Information
5.Please rate the following:
Cost vs Value of the Conference
Time vs Value of the Conference
Usefulness of Information from Ed Sessions
6.Regarding the mobile friendly online agenda, did you like it? Was it helpful? Improvements for the future?
7.Please provide any additional comments: