Joshua Tree Elementary would like your feedback regarding the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support system.  The survey is will aid us in making changes to the PBIS process for next year.  Thank you for helping make Joshua Tree Elementary a more positive and successful school.

Question Title

* 1. School is important to me and my family?

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* 2. I am familiar with what Positive Behavior Intervention and Support is at Joshua Tree Elementary (i.e., expectations, rules for different areas of the school, Passports, Caught Being Goods, and rewards for appropriate behavior).

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* 3. I am familiar with the academic supports offered to my child through the Multi-tier Systems of Support (prevention, intervention, and special education supports offered in and outside the classroom, GATE program, and tutoring for grade 3rd-6th)?

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* 4. Did you know that our School-wide behavior expectations, “the Owl Way” are Be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready?

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* 5. The staff at Joshua Tree Elementary uses positive strategies on a regular basis to talk/work with students in regards to behavior expectations.

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* 6. I believe the use of the PBIS strategies at Joshua Tree Elementary have a positive impact on my child's academic achievement.

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* 7. My child feels safe at school.

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* 8. My child is receiving an educational program that is challenging and provides the support he/she needs?

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* 9. I find it easy to understand the expectations for my child at Joshua Tree Elementary (To be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready).

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* 10. Does your child talk to you at home about the school-wide “Owl Way,” (Respectful, Responsible, and Ready) expectation?

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* 11. Does your child tell you about Joshua Tree Elementary’s rewards (caught being good, stickers in their Passports, dog tags, weekly drawings, and the Owl Way T-Shirt)?

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* 12. I receive regular information on how my child is doing in regards to the academic expectation Joshua Tree Elementary.

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* 13. I receive regular information on how my child is doing in regards to the behavioral expectation Joshua Tree Elementary.

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* 14. Has your child ever mentioned how they can earn any of our rewards (caught being good, stickers in their Passports, dog tags, weekly drawings, and the Owl Way T-Shirt)?

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* 15. I believe the school has explained the Positive Behavior Support system in place effectively (i.e., expectations, rules for different areas of the school, Passports, Caught Being Goods, and rewards for appropriate behavior).

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* 16. I am satisfied with the behavior expectations at Joshua Tree Elementary for my child.

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* 17. I am satisfied with the academic expectations at Joshua Tree Elementary for my child.

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* 18. I believe my child has benefited behaviorally from the PBIS system at Joshua Tree Elementary.

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* 19. I believe my child is reinforced appropriately when he/she follows the school expectations and rules.

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* 20. Please provide additional comments and suggestions below.