
Please complete this JSA Junior Program Staff and Salary Survey about your staffing practices during this summer. Designate one person from your program to respond to the survey by November 18. Then we will distribute summarized results for use by the clubs that have participated. 

Please give us the most complete information you can and you will share in the feedback. Your specific responses are kept confidential and only summarized results will be published, with no identification of the source.
You may simplify your survey response by first jotting last summer's data on a print-out of this survey. The print-out is located at this link. Then copy your print-out-jottings to this online survey.
If you don't have this summer's data right now, please come back and complete this survey after you have the data ready at hand. You may also save a partial survey, then return to continue it until completed (if you use the same computer so the survey system recognizes you).

Question Title

* 1. (Required) Your contact info so we may email the results to you when the survey is tabulated.

Question Title

* 2. (Required) What is your role?