Manure Management Survey

1.What type of manure do you primarily produce?
2.How much manure do you typically produce on your farm each year? (Please provide an estimate in tons, cubic meters, or gallons)
3.How often do you sample your manure for nutrient analysis?
4.What percentage of the manure produced on your farm do you apply to your own fields?
5.What manure application method(s) do you use? (Select all that apply)
6.How do you store your manure before use or distribution? (select all that apply)
7.Do you sell, trade or give away any manure to other farms or businesses? (select all that apply)
8.Do you face any challenges with transporting manure to other locations (e.g., cost, distance, equipment, etc.)?
9.Do you face any environmental challenges related to manure management (e.g., runoff, odor)?
10.Are you required to meet specific regulatory standards regarding manure management on your farm?
11.Are you interested in exploring new uses for manure on your farm (e.g., bioenergy, composting, etc.)?
12.Would you be interested in learning more about or investing in manure processing technologies (e.g., dehydration, pelletizing, anaerobic digestion)?
13.Is there anything else you'd like to share about your manure management practices or challenges?