MHS 9th Grade Feedback (2019/2020) Question Title * 1. Now that I have seen this presentation... I have decided to wait for sex until marriage. I have been sexually active but am choosing to wait now. I am undecided on whether or not I will be sexually active before marriage. I will remain/plan to be sexually active before marriage. Question Title * 2. Of all the subjects covered in the Relate 360 presentations, please select the subjects you liked the most or found most helpful (feel free to circle specific ones). Value-The Whole You-Starting over (Etch-a-Sketch)-$100 Bill Love vs. Infatuation-Nic & Amanda video-Your brain on love-3-6-9 months Healthy Relationships-The Whole You-How to build a healthy relationship (The Pyramid)-Nate and Suzy-Boundaries (fireplace)-Refusal Skills-Grandparents video The Truth about Sex-Not everyone is doing it-Regret of College Students-Conversations to have before sex Facts and Risks You Need to Know-STD's-Birth control/contraception-Pregnancy -Adoption (Jeremy's Story) -Abortion Sexual Violence, Porn, Sexting & Sex Trafficking-Consent-Sexual Harassment, Assault & Rape-Porn: Addictive, Kills Love, Harms Society recovery from porn addiction-Consequences of sexting-Sex trafficking Other (please specify): Question Title * 3. Of all the things you selected, please pick one and tell us why you liked it or how you found it helpful. Question Title * 4. Is there a way we could improve our presentation or a topic you would suggest we cover in the future? Question Title * 5. Gender: Question Title * 6. Other comments... Submit