The purpose of the scholarships is to encourage the exchange of educational ideas between Britain and America in the field of oracy in education, to help guide the work of the ESU and the other associated organisations, and in doing so, offer teaching professionals the opportunity for personal and professional development.

Thank you for your interest in the WHP Scholarship with the ESU. We very much look forward to reading your application. Please fill out your details below and then attach your proposal to this form in Q.9. (proposal 1000-1,500 words max.)

If you have any questions at all, do reach out to Jessica Clements, International Programmes Manager on for support.

You can also find guidance on applying on our website:

This includes a downloadable 'Notes for Applicants' document.

Applications close Monday, 24 February 2025. Interviews will be held in March.

Thank you and best of luck.

Question Title

* 1. Your full name

Question Title

* 2. Your email address

Question Title

* 3. Your telephone number

Question Title

* 4. Your current position (subject teacher/tutor etc)

Question Title

* 5. School/organisation name:

Please enter the full name, and not an abbreviation or acronym.

Question Title

* 6. School/organisation postcode:

Question Title

* 7. Any additional information:

Question Title

* 8. What are your motivations for applying to this scholarshiop? (50 words max.)

Question Title

* 9. Please upload your research proposal along with any other supporting documents

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 10. Any other comments or information to support your application