The University of Alberta Properties Trust (UAPT) has prepared a Master Plan for the West 240 site.  We appreciate the community’s feedback, and we are excited to share the preferred Master Plan concept. The Master Plan will inform the Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan (NASP) and Phase 1 rezoning and subdivision application. UAPT will be preparing a NASP application to submit to the City of Edmonton in 2024.

Thank you for sharing your final feedback on the Master Plan process.  There will be further opportunities for community input during engagement on the NASP, which is anticipated to occur in 2024. The feedback you share today will be summarized and shared with the City during the development of the NASP.

I you would like to review all the boards presented at our Open Houses, please visit

Thank you for your participation.

Question Title

West 240 Site 

<div style="text-align: center;">West 240 Site&nbsp;</div>

Question Title

* 1. Which recent engagement opportunities have you participated in for the West 240 Master Plan Concept prior to completing this survey?  Please select all that apply:

Question Title

* 2. Have you reviewed the materials on the website?

Question Title

Mixed-Use Urban Village

Mixed-Use Urban Village

Question Title

Preferred Master Plan Concept 
The Preferred Master Plan Concept features a range of housing options, walkable neighbourhoods, access to the Whitemud Creek ravine and a mixed-use urban village. 

<div style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Preferred Master Plan Concept&nbsp;</strong><br>The Preferred Master Plan Concept features a range of housing options, walkable neighbourhoods, access to the Whitemud Creek ravine and a mixed-use urban village.&nbsp;</div>

Question Title


Question Title

* 3. Do you have any feedback on the Preferred Master Plan Concept?

Question Title

Creekside Park looking West

Creekside Park looking West

Question Title

Land Use
The proposed land use strategy includes a range of residential types and densities, local mixed use and commercial areas, and a variety of public open spaces throughout the site.

<span style="color: #003d4c;"><strong>Land Use<br></strong>The proposed land use strategy includes a range of residential types and densities, local mixed use and commercial areas, and a variety of public open spaces throughout the site.<strong><br></strong></span>

Question Title


Question Title

* 4. Do you have any feedback on the Land Use Plan?

Question Title

Grand Boulevard and Shared-Use Path looking East

Grand Boulevard and Shared-Use Path looking East

Question Title

Open Space Strategy
The West 240 Open Space Strategy builds upon the existing environmental and recreation connections along Whitemud Creek and the adjoining neighbourhoods. The strategy draws nature into the West 240 and creates meaningful connections for the community.

<span style="color: #003d4c;"><strong>Open Space Strategy<br></strong>The West 240 Open Space Strategy builds upon the existing environmental and recreation connections along Whitemud Creek and the adjoining neighbourhoods. The strategy draws nature into the West 240 and creates meaningful connections for the community.<strong><br></strong></span>

Question Title


Question Title

* 5. Do you have any feedback on the Open Space Strategy?

Question Title

Hilltop Park looking west along 62nd Avenue

Hilltop Park looking west along 62nd Avenue

Question Title

Mobility Connections
West 240 is a highly connected plan that creates thoughtful and convenient connections for the Plan Area and beyond. West 240 includes trails and pathways, streets, lanes, Shared Use Paths, and more.

<span style="color: #003d4c;"><strong>Mobility Connections</strong><br>West 240 is a highly connected plan that creates thoughtful and convenient connections for the Plan Area and beyond. West 240 includes trails and pathways, streets, lanes, Shared Use Paths, and more. <br></span>

Question Title

# 1 Grand Blvd

# 1 Grand Blvd

Question Title

# 2 Grand Blvd Parking Shared Use Path

# 2 Grand Blvd Parking Shared Use Path

Question Title

# 3 Grand Blvd Parking

# 3 Grand Blvd Parking

Question Title

# 4 62 Avenue (existing- no changes proposed)

# 4 62 Avenue (existing- no changes proposed)

Question Title

# 5 Mixed Use

# 5 Mixed Use

Question Title

# 6 Local Shared Use Path

# 6 Local Shared Use Path

Question Title

# 7 Lansdowne Laneway (existing -no changes proposed)

# 7 Lansdowne Laneway (existing -no changes proposed)

Question Title

# 8 Trails

# 8 Trails

Question Title

# 9 122 Street (existing- no changed proposed)

# 9 122 Street (existing- no changed proposed)

Question Title

# 10 Typical Local Road

# 10 Typical Local Road

Question Title

* 6. Do you have any  feedback on the Mobility Connections?

Question Title

* 7. Do you have any additional feedback about the Preferred Master Plan Concept?

Question Title

Lakeside Residential District looking Southwest

Lakeside Residential District looking Southwest

Question Title

* 8. Tell us about your experience with the West 240 project engagement:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
The information provided throughout the project was clear.
The project team was able to answer my questions.
I was able to access information about the project.
I am more informed about the project after engaging with the project team or published materials.

Question Title

* 9. I am a(n) ______ (select all that apply):

Question Title

* 10. How did you hear about the project? (Select all that apply) :

Question Title

* 11. I am interested in receiving future updates about the project.

Question Title

* 12. If you selected yes, please complete the registration form below: 


Thank you for your participation.

The UAPT will pursue a Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan (NASP) and Phase 1 rezoning and subdivision application for West 240.

Future public open houses for the NASP and rezoning will be planned in 2024. The NASP will define the policy framework to support the implementation of the preferred concept plan. The rezoning and subdivision will detail the land-use designations that create site specific regulations that will guide development. The NASP and Phase 1 rezoning and subdivision will include a detailed review and analysis by the City of Edmonton staff and will ultimately require the approval of City Council.

Reimagining these lands will include input from all stakeholders and be guided by City of Edmonton policy. Thank you for your input on the project.  All input will be reviewed and summarized in a future What We Heard Report.

To  learn about future opportunities to get engaged visit

For question reach out: