GreenerU mobile app needs

These set of questions aim to determine your needs from a mobile app that would address your shopping concerns and give you a better experience.

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* 1. What kind of phone(s) do you have? 

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* 2. How likely are you to download and use an app that could give you information on sustainability causes that products support and recommend products based on causes you would like to support?

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* 3. How likely are you to download and use an app that could constantly track and quantify your lifestyle's environmental and social impacts and give you suggestions on how to improve it?

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* 4. Let's say you downloaded the app. How many screens/pages of questions would you answer on your app everyday to quantify your lifestyle's sustainability impact accurately? (assuming each page had about 3 questions like - "approx. how many minutes did you keep your shower on for, today?" and "please scan the barcode on your shopping receipts for the day")

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* 5. Do you ever ask for receipts when you buy stuff? How do you keep track of expenses?

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* 7. Would you be okay with scanning the barcode on your grocery store (say Albert Heijn) card once, right when you download the app, and allow the app to anonymously track your purchases and make product recommendations to support your causes?

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* 8. Would you be okay with the app anonymously and automatically tracking various aspects of your lifestyle to be able to quantify your overall impact (like GPS to determine mobility impact, energy/water bills to determine impact due to energy/water consumption and store purchases to determine your purchasing impact)?

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* 9. If you would not use the mobile app, what would be the main reasons? Enter as many reasons as you would actually have and please be as specific as possible.

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* 10. If you are someone who does not care about sustainability issues or does not have the time to use the app, and needs to be incentivized to use the app, what would be your top incentives that would make you use the app constantly?
Please enter upto five things that would inspire you to use the app. (incentives need not be monetary in nature - for e.g. I never want to wait in the queue to pay for my groceries again or tickets to your favorite concert)