CCLJ Reopening Survey

1.Would you be interested in attending drop by communion station in Scripps park on select Sunday evenings in July, August, and September? This would be an "open house" style of event where you could drop by, take a communion packet, and receive a prayer.
2.Would you attend church inside our building if it opened for in person services beginning with the Blessing of the Animals (2nd Sunday of October)?
3.Would you plan to come to church masked or umasked?
4.Would you feel comfortable worshiping in the presence of unmasked people?
5.Are you vaccinated? (This is a confidential response and your response is not attached to information which could be used to identify you)
6.Would you be ok worshipping alongside potentially unvaccinated and unmasked guests, tourists, and visitors?
7.Would you still come to church if at first there was no social hour after the service?
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered