Children and Youth Art Contest: MNO Climate Change Strategy |
The Rights, Research and Policy branch at the MNO is currently in the process of developing an MNO-wide Climate Change Strategy, in close consultation with MNO's advisory groups and based on several citizen engagements conducted previously. Our hope is that this document is truly representative of, and rooted in, the values and priorities of MNO citizens. To ensure that this document is by the Métis and for the Métis, we are launching an art contest for children and youth (aged 29 or younger) to gather artwork that we can feature in the Climate Change Strategy document. We are looking for pieces that depict our connection to the land, the waters, and all our relations, how we are impacted by climate change, and how we are taking the lead on combating these impacts for ourselves and our future generations. However, please feel free to send in any artwork that depict your interpretations and imaginings of climate change, impacts, and actions. Please make sure that the uploaded scans are clear and high-quality.
Please note that this contest is for MNO citizens only. You will be required to consent to a citizenship check and provide your citizenship number before you can submit a story.