Mark Peters, US Province director of Justice, Peace and Reconciliation, is preparing for his retirement. The Provincial Council thought it an opportune moment to survey SCJs about the province's approach to JPR issues and determine how to best move forward. In doing so, the council recognizes and celebrates the work continuing to be done in our ministries to address social concerns, especially through direct service. The goal of this survey is to get a sense of how the province as a whole would like to address JPR concerns. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, and thank you for all that you do to promote social justice! 

-Fr. Ed Kilianski and the Provincial Council

Question Title

* 1. Has the JPR Office/Director and/or Commission been of value or assistance to you in your ministry and/or personal life? If yes, please give one or more examples:

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* 2. In your opinion, what has been the most important or visible contribution(s) of the JPR Office or Commission?

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* 3. What, if anything, have you found most helpful in the electronic JPR newsletter? If you would like to choose more than one option, please indicate others in comment section.

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* 4. How familiar are you with the JPR website, “Thy Kingdom Come”?

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* 5. What, if anything, has been helpful or interesting to you on the JPR website? Mark all that apply.

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* 6. "Immigration" has been a top priority of the province and the JPR Commission for several years. On a scale of 1-5, how effective do you think the JPR Office/JPR Director has been in raising awareness and helping the province to respond to this issue?

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* 7. Should the climate crisis and reflection on Laudato Si be more of a priority for JPR and the province in the future?

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* 8. If you indicated YES, how would you like to see the issue addressed? If you would like to choose more than one option, please indicate others in comment section.

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* 9. What would you like to see as a JPR priority for the province?

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* 10. Should the province have a JPR director?

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* 11. If you answered YES to the above question, should the province consider once again hiring a staff person for this, or do you think that the JPR director needs to be an SCJ?

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* 12. If you answered NO to Question 10, please offer suggestions as to how the province can address JPR concerns.

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* 13. Are you interested in participating in an ad hoc group that will discuss the development of a JPR strategy for the province?

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* 14. If you answered YES to the above question, please give your name and contact information:

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* 15. Your thoughts? Please share your thoughts about how JPR concerns are addressed in and by the province. What works? What doesn't? Do you have suggestions?