The Robotics & Autonomous Systems Special Interest Group (RAS SIG) was set up in response to a Ministerial roundtable workshop hosted by David Willetts MP. One of the key objectives of the SIG is to develop a strategic roadmap with input from all stakeholder groups. This roadmap will identify key global value creation opportunities that will be either directly delivered or critically enabled through the application of RAS and identify necessary innovation and other enablers required to deliver these.

On January 23rd 2013, the first of a series of roadmapping workshops was held in London with the aim of identifying high-level priorities which can then be explored fully in future "deep-dive" roadmaps. The draft output from the workshop can be accessed via the discussion forums of the RAS SIG website ( - you must be both a member of the SIG and signed in to access the document).

To help us validate our findings, we would like to invite you to fill out the following survey highlighting the drivers, markets, opportunities, capabilities and enablers that you feel are the most important in shaping the future global success of the UK RAS sector over the next 5-15 years.

Thank you for your support