OBE Website Question Title * 1. What topic/s are you most interested in learning more about? Telepathic Connection + Telepathic Sex Lucid Dreaming + Dream Sex Astral Projection/Travel + Astral Sex Twin Flames & Soul Mates Personal Energy (chakras, energy body) Sex Magic Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Would you like Allie to write an advanced version of Out of Body Ecstasy? Yes No Doesn't Matter Question Title * 3. What formats of learning would you like to see on Out of Body Ecstasy? Webinars Online Workshops In-Person Workshops Online Classes Guided Meditations (audio) Teleseminars (phone) Guided Connections (audio of Allie guiding you to connect to another for OBE sex) Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Would you like a vetted (members would need to be approved) OBE community where members can explore OBE with other members? It would also include private workshops, webinars, & classes. Yes No Maybe Question Title * 5. How much would you be willing to pay for a private OBE community? $19.95/month $197/year $29.95/month $297/year $0.00 Question Title * 6. Anything else you would like to add? Done