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The South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) brings together government, civil society, and the private sector to create a collective response to HIV, TB and STIs in South Africa (SA). SANAC released the fourth National Strategic Plan (NSP) for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Tuberculosis (TB) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in 2017. The five-year plan (2017–2022), guides the multi-sectoral implementation of strategies to address the impact of HIV, TB and STIs. The NSP also contributes to the efforts of reaching the health-related and other relevant targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including universal health coverage.

The country is embarking on the 5th generation of the NSP for HIV, TB and STIs 2023 – 2028. The NSP is regarded as one of the main documents for the country’s response to HIV, TB and STIs since it will take the country towards the target of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. The NSP for HIV, TB and STIs 2023 – 2028 needs to respond to prevalent issues, be agile, radical, and should align with the 4th industrial revolution implications. The NSP for HIV, TB and STIs 2023 – 2028 should provide a sense of renewed hope to people infected and affected by HIV, reflect highly effective and high-impact interventions backed by evidence-informed analysis, to enable the achievement of the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets. The UNAIDS 95-95-95 will propel the country towards the achievement of the agenda 2030 goals.

This survey invites you to engage in shaping the broad priorities, which will augment the information received from more in-depth discussions at constituency consultations. The survey should take about 20-25 minutes to complete. The deadline to complete the survey is 30 July 2022.

The SANAC Secretariat deeply appreciates and greatly values your contributions to this national initiative of ending HIV, TB and STIs as public health threat by 2030

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* 1. Please select your gender

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* 2. Please select your province where you are currently based

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* 3. Please select your province where you are implementing services

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* 4. Please select your age

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* 5. Please select the constituency which best describes you or your organization

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* 6. Have you participated in NSP development process before?

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* 7. Which is your area of interest/expertise