Purpose of this Survey

The National Indian Justice Center (NIJC) is grateful that the wildfires have been controlled and our communities' safety has been restored. We are asking Native Americans (individuals and families) that have been impacted by the Northern California Wildfires to tell us about their fire recovery-related needs. NIJC is serving as a Long-term Recovery Center for our fire-effected region. Beginning in February 2018, the Center will provide Native individuals and families with case management coordination and referrals to services. We will also be conducting workshops and events to promote recovery. The Center is located at NIJC at 5250 Aero Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

Please visit our website at http://nijc.org to learn more about the Center and see the workshop and events schedule.

We appreciate you taking time to complete this survey.  The information you provide is confidential and will assist us in connecting you to aid. For questions, contact Ben Myers at benmyers@nijc.org

This survey can be accessed online at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YLWF2D2

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* 1. Please provide your contact information:

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* 2. Have you been impacted by the Northern California Wildfires?

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* 3. Which county did you live in at the time of the fires?

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* 4. Were you living on tribal lands at the time of the fires?

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* 5. What was/is your address at the time that your county was impacted by the wildfires?

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* 6. How many people live in your household?

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* 7. How many people in your household are under the age of 18?

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* 8. Which agencies or organizations have you received assistance from, if applicable? Please choose all that apply.

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* 9. Have you filed an application for Individual Assistance with the State of California?

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* 10. Have you lost items of cultural significance due to the fires?

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* 11. What type of assistance are you in need of?

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* 12. Do you or your family members require specific accommodation for health, mental health, mobility issues, or other access and functional needs?

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* 13. Are you currently employed?

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* 14. Did the fires negatively impact your job/career? E.g. did you lose tools, resources, to work from home if you are self-employed?

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* 15. Would you like NIJC to contact you about fire-related case management coordination and referral services?

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* 16. What is your preferred method of contact?