Navigating life after a acquired brain injury can be complicated enough. We are here to offer support and help. The Ohio Brain Injury Connection is a free resource facilitation service for all Ohioans and/or their loved ones who have experienced an acquired brain injury.

We use a person-centered approach as our Resource Advisor will work with you to develop a personalized plan for advocacy and support. There is no fee for participating with one of our resource advisors.  We do not replace medical care but offer resources and help with care management.

Please note: an acquired brain injury is any brain injury that happened after birth such as a traumatic brain injury, an anoxic brain injury caused by drowning or suffocating, a stroke, etc. 

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* 1. By filling out this form, I confirm that I or the individual provides permission on this form to be contacted by the staff at the Ohio Brain Injury Connection

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* 2. Contact Information for the individual we will reach out to to provide support.

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* 3. Cause of Injury (Example traumatic brain injury, stroke, anoxic brain injury, brain tumor)

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* 4. I am seeking services for....

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* 5. Please provide a few sentences on how our resources advisor's can begin to help. (Example: looking for help with memory, looking for support groups for brain injury, looking for help filling out forms)