At LLTC we always strive to improve the academic experience of our learners. Thank you for taking a part in this survey. Your responses are valuable to us and will not be identifiable in any way.  This survey will take approximately 6 to 10 minutes to complete.  The data from this survey will be analyzed in aggregate and the results will be used to make decisions about the orientation, registration, and advising process.

Question Title

* 1. How do you identify?

Question Title

* 2. Which is your age group?

Question Title

* 3. Are you:

Question Title

* 4. What is your current over-all GPA (SKIP if this is your 1st semester)?

Question Title

* 5. Are you vaccinated against Covid-19? (THIS QUESTION is OPTIONAL and you DO NOT have to answer)

Question Title

* 6. What is your major/program of study?

Question Title

* 7. If you are not sure what your major will be, what kind of help would you like to receive from your advisor?

Question Title

* 8. Do you know that you can change your major?

Question Title

* 9. Are you confident that the major you’ve chosen matches your future career or education plans?

Question Title

* 10. Did you attend the online student orientation this semester or accessed the orientation materials online?

Question Title

* 11. If you attended orientation, how helpful was it? (if you did not attend, please skip this question)

Question Title

* 12. The best/most helpful thing about orientation was

Question Title

* 13. The worst/least helpful thing about orientation was

Question Title

* 14. Registering for classes at LLTC is

Question Title

* 15. If you had problems registering, what were they? (mark all that apply)

Question Title

* 16. Do you know who your academic advisor is?

Question Title

* 17. Have you met with a faculty advisor this semester?

Question Title

* 18. Have you met with an academic advisor in previous semesters (either faculty or student services advisor)?

Question Title

* 19. Thinking about the last meeting with your advisor, how did you contact them?

Question Title

* 20. Generally, when you meet with your advisor, how do you contact them?

Question Title

* 21. Were you ever told that you can change your advisor?

Question Title

* 22. When you hear the word “advisor”, what three words come to mind?

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* 23. How would you prefer to communicate with your advisor?

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* 24. If you need regular check-ins with your advisor, how often would you like to check in?

Question Title

* 25. At LLTC, students have two advisors. One is in student services and the other is a faculty advisor whom students have a class with during the first semester of classes. The following questions are about the process of having two advisors and how the college might improve it. Please rate the following scale.

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
This process is confusing to me
I like this process because I get more help
I know when to meet with which advisor (it’s easy to know who does what)
It would be easier if I only had one advisor
I would have liked to meet my faculty advisor before the semester started

Question Title

* 26. Thinking of your STUDENT SERVICES advisor, please them on the following criteria.

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
My advisor is available when I need them
My advisor was prepared for my appointment
My advisor listened to my life concerns (e.g., work schedule, child care, finances, etc.)
My advisor seemed genuinely interested in me
My advisor provided me with accurate information
My advisor referred me to appropriate campus resources as needed
My advisor was courteous and professional
My advisor clearly communicates what is my responsibility and what they can do for me
My advisor is helpful in discussing my career plans and goals
I feel confident that my advisor will follow up on any unresolved issues
Overall, my advisor is a good source for academic advice about my college

Question Title

* 27. Thinking of your FACULTY advisor, please them on the following criteria.

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
My advisor is available when I need them
My advisor was prepared for my appointment
My advisor listened to my life concerns (e.g., work schedule, child care, finances, etc.)
My advisor seemed genuinely interested in me
My advisor provided me with accurate information
My advisor referred me to appropriate campus resources as needed
My advisor was courteous and professional
My advisor clearly communicates what is my responsibility and what they can do for me
My advisor is helpful in discussing my career plans and goals
I feel confident that my advisor will follow up on any unresolved issues
Overall, my advisor is a good source for academic advice about my college