Danbury, NH, Master Plan Revision Questionnaire

Your help in providing prompt and detailed answers to the questions, below, will be the foundation of the upcoming revision to Danbury’s Master Plan. You will be helping to provide for orderly present and future development.

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* 1. What Best Describes Your Connection to Danbury?

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* 2. How Long have You been Connected to Danbury?

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* 3. How Long has Your Family been Connected to Danbury?

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* 4. Do You Now:

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* 5. Approximately How Old is Your Dwelling in Danbury?

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* 6. How Big is Your Dwelling’s Lot?

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* 7. Do You Own any Land in Town in Addition to the Lot occupied by Your Dwelling?

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* 8. Please give the number of all members of your household for each Age Range:

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* 9. How is your Home principally Heated?  Please check all that apply

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* 10. How is your Home principally Cooled?  Please check all that apply.

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* 11. Do you Keep and Breed non-pet Animals?

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* 12. Please rate the importance you, personally, place on the following uses of Open Space here in Danbury.  For each use you check please indicate a descending numerical priority in your view, with 1 being the highest.

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* 13. What do you like most about Danbury?  Please select just One

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* 14. What do you like least about Danbury?  Please select just One

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* 15. What kind of Town do you, personally, feel Danbury should be in the future?  Please Select Just One

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* 16. In planning for Danbury’s Future which of the Following should be restricted or encouraged?

  Restricted Encouraged 1st Priority 2nd Priority 3rd Priority
Heavy Industry
Light Industry
Retail Shops
Shopping Center
Professional & Bus. Offices
Inns, Motels, Hotels, etc
Restaurants & Bars
Commercial Recreation

Question Title

* 17. What sorts of Local Infrastructure should be Promoted in this Plan? Please Check all that apply, then add a descending Priority ranking for each You’ve Checked, with 1 being the highest.

  Desirable? 1st Priority 2nd Priority 3rd Priority 4th Priority
Increase Electric Grid Capacity
Increase Local Electric Generation
Increase Phone Speed / Capacity
Increase Internet Availability
Town Info Technology Capacity
Focus on Recreation Commission
Focus on Conservation Commission
Increase Road Paving
Municipal Safety Center (PD & FD)

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* 18. Please Comment on Your Vision for the Danbury Transfer Station’s future.

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* 19. What is the Best Thing about Living in Danbury?

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* 20. What is the One Change Danbury needs to Improve?

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* 21. What is the One Thing Most Important Not to Change?

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* 22. What additional Recreational Facilities should Danbury Plan for?   Please list all you favor, then add priority Rankings – 1 being Highest

  Desirable? 1st Priority 2nd Priority 3rd Priority 4th Priority
Town Beach on School Pond
Town Fishin’ Hole on Smith River
Outdoor Ice Rink
Additional Playing Fields
Skate Board Park
Recreation Commission to Oversee Rec Activities

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* 23. Do you favor Town Purchase of property for Open Space Preservation?

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* 24. Which Statement most closely Matches Your Opinion regarding Renewable Energy upgrades to Municipal Facilities?

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* 25. Do You think You will be Investing in Clean Energy Projects for Your Property over the next 5 Years?

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* 26. Do You have Internet Access at Home Today?

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* 27. Can Your Day-to-Day Activities at Home take place Without Internet Access?

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* 28. Please Rate the Following Town Services as Provided Today:

  Poor Fair Good Excellent No Opinion
Road Condition
Town Offices
Trash / Recycling
Med. Emergency
Recreation Areas

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* 29. Please Offer any Suggestions You Have in Addition to The Above Questions