VAIS Classroom-Based Residency Application 2023-24

Early Bird: Friday, September 22nd
Notification: Rolling
Deadline:  Friday, October 20th
Notification:  Monday, November 20th
Lead Teachers applying will receive a PDF copy of their approved applications after submitting to keep as confirmation, as well as accompanying directions on residency planning. 
New for 2023-24 EARLY BIRD 
VAIS will consider a limited number of early applications with start dates in October. Please reach out to Stephanie with questions and approval timelines. If your residency begins after the standard November notification period, your application will be considered with applications submitted by the October deadline.

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Project Title:

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Lead Teacher Contact Info:

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Grade Level and/or Subject:

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Number of students served per class:

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Primary Artist Contact Info:

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Art Discipline/Medium:

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(Please have dates and meeting times as accurate as possible. eg.: March 17, 18, 19 @ 2pm-3pm. If your residency dates change, contact Stephanie with updated information. This information is critical for VAIS grant submissions and reporting.)

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Artist Time: Residencies range from 10-40 hours, and we encourage deep arts learning through long projects. VAIS pays artists hourly for their classroom contact time. Additionally, artists will be paid 1 planning hour for every 10 hours of classroom contact time, with a 2 hour minimum. This compensation is given specifically to support residency planning and assessment between the artist and teacher(s). Carefully consider how much time your project will require and fill in below.

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Materials: There is a maximum of $4 per student for materials.  After discussion with your artist partner, please list materials and their costs here.

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Supplemental: Some projects may benefit from additional support in terms of time or materials, especially as projects are planned to run under different conditions. VAIS tries very hard to accommodate these requests when funding is available. Please indicate whether your residency may need this supplemental funding and explain the need here.

The VAIS Review Committee will meet to evaluate each application for its potential to clearly enhance and build on existing curriculum, as well as to foster the artistic processes of Creating, Performing, Responding, and Connecting.  These concepts are the framework developed by the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards and are used as the foundation for the Washington State Arts Learning Standards.  If funded, you will be asked to evaluate how your project supported these standards.   
Essentially, each funded project must:
·     Develop age-appropriate ways to assure that each student has an opportunity to acquire new arts concepts, techniques, and vocabulary.
·     Have students present their work to others and reflect on what they have experienced using assessment skills unique to the arts discipline.
·     Demonstrate formative and/or summative assessment tools used to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction, improve project design, and to deepen student learning.
With this in mind, please work closely with your artist partner to submit a project narrative addressing the following questions:

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Project Description: 
What do you want to do? Please describe your project, including how it will be integrated with your curriculum, if applicable.

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Learning Outcomes:
Please be specific as you complete the following as it relates to the artistic discipline and other core subject, if applicable:

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How will student outcomes be measured and documented?  This can include direct and indirect assessment tools. Additionally, VAIS provides our own student, classroom teacher and teaching artist surveys--these should be completed at the close of each residency and returned to VAIS in a timely manner.

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Please upload a rubric or other assessment tool as appropriate.

PDF, DOCX, DOC file types only.
Choose File

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Residencies must be shared with the school and/or local community via exhibition, newspaper article, performance, etc.  Please work with your artist partner to develop a plan for such sharing and describe your plan here. (Please include ideas for sharing your work virtually, as well.)

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If there is any information about your project not included elsewhere, please add it here:

Vashon Artists in Schools (VAIS) is a Vashon Center for the Arts program in partnership with Vashon Island School District.  Additional and generous support is provided by the National Endowment for the Arts, Washington State Arts Commission, Vashon Partners in Education (PIE), Vashon Thriftway, Vashon PTSA and individual donors.

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