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The “Area D Plan” is intended to guide the development of the multi-family area of the UEL (and includes a portion  of the single-family area) between now and 2050. It includes many important measures in housing policy, including protection for renters, expansion of housing supply and affordability. In addition, there are policies guiding green spaces, transportation and other areas. Please take a 5-minute survey to give your feedback on the Plan.

You can view the complete plan here:

ANY Comments MUST be received by the UEL office by Friday October 23rd, 2020.

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* 1. Are you a University Endowment Lands (“UEL”) resident and if so, do you rent or own?

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* 2. Were you aware that there was a plan in the works to study redevelopment in Area D, (aka the Village)? If so, when and how were you notified?

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* 3. The Area D Plan would require a one-for-one replacement of existing rental housing by introducing some aspects of the Residential Rental Tenure Act/ Zoning (RRTZ). These protections do not currently exist in the UEL, and under current bylaws rental can be replaced by market-priced condos. Are you in favour of adding aspects of the RRTZ to our bylaws to protect rental housing stock and renters?

Please see the Residential Rental Tenure Act bulletin here for more information:

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* 4. The Area D Development plan would replace the existing rental stock with a mixture of condos, market rental and social and low income housing. The implementation of the RRTZ could not protect any students or tenants who currently have a fixed term lease in Area D. Are you in favour of this plan?

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* 5. Is the protection of our current wide range of market priced rental housing important to you?

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* 6. To protect renters, should the Area D plan be required to explain and qualify what is meant by a “1:1 unit replacement of all rental stock” Ie: like stock for like stock; 1 bedroom for 1 bedroom. 1;1 So a developer could not trade a 3 bedroom unit for a single dorm like room with a shared bathroom and argue that was 1:1 replacement.

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* 7. Plan D proposes incorporating portions of the Residential Rental Tenure Act  into all land use Zone designations, requiring a  minimum of 20% of all additional, new housing to be developed as “rental units.” No provision to add rental currently exists in our bylaws.

Do you think a 20% of incremental housing units as rental stock is: 

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* 8. Under the Plan, the Ministry of Housing proposes that any site undergoing rezoning enter into a Housing Agreement which could include terms of tenure (ie rental), rents and/or lease rates, and rates by which these terms could be increased.  None of these measures exist under current bylaws. Do you favour adding these measures in Area D?

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* 9. The most recent Census indicates that 49% of current Area D residents are considered low income (note this does not identify what portion of that 49% were students and therefore not eligible for low income social housing). The Plan would require developments seeking rezoning to provide at least 30% of total residential floor area to be set aside to provide affordable housing (again, students would not qualify as low income for the purposes of social housing). Are you in favour of adding this type of affordable housing provision?

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* 10. Under the Plan, applications seeking redevelopment of existing rental units would be required to provide a Tenant Relocation Plan, including: early communication with tenants, financial compensation to only long-term and month to month renters (i.e. fixed term renters would be excluded) based on length of tenancy, assistance with relocation and the Right of First Refusal to move back into the building with a 20% discount off of current market priced rental units or at new non-market rents when the replacement unit is social housing. None of these measures exist in current bylaws. Are you in favour of including these measures to the Area D Plan?

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* 11. The current village houses many students in market-priced apartments or townhouses. The Area D Plan does not address existing market-priced affordable student and family housing. Over time, these larger market units could be lost and replaced with smaller units, including strata condos. Are you in favour of preserving the large older market priced apartments and units that currently exist in Area D?

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* 12. There are several sites in the proposed Area D Plan that could allow buildings of up to 18 stories after a rezoning application (including the Beta Theta frat, the Regent College parking lot, the site of the two existing high rises and on a large lot at the corner of Acadia and Toronto). Is 18-stories:

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* 13. A Housing Needs Assessment study has been proposed as part of the Area D Plan.

Do you think that this Needs Assessment should be completed:

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* 14. The Plan also includes two single family area lots at the corner of University and Wesbrook in the single-family area (where the Lutheran Church  is and the lot next to it) having its designation changed to Institutional allowing for up to a 6 story mid-rise.  The CAC has opposed this change and  supports a park on the site.

I support the creation of a park in this location.

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* 15. Finally, what do you think are the most important development and zoning issues where you live?

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