Job Center description

The Job Center of Lake County is located at 1 N. Genesee St. Waukegan and hosts a satellite site on the College of Lake County in Grayslake.  The Job Center consists of a partnership between organizations including: Lake County Workforce Development, IDES (the Dept. of Employment Security) and the College of Lake County, Adult Education.  Visit our website at

Question Title

* 1. Why did you visit most recently?  (check all that apply)

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* 2. How did you first learn about the Job Center?

Question Title

* 3. Describe your overall satisfaction with our services

Question Title

* 4. Describe your impression of the Job Center staff

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Job Center staff are knowledgeable
Job Center staff are friendly/courteous
Job Center staff met my workforce needs

Question Title

* 5. Are there any other services or workshops that you'd like to see at the Job Center or improvements to be made?

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* 7. Enter your contact info if you would like to receive our monthly e-newsletter called Career Solution