>PLEASE NOTE: We have had a very large response to this survey which has been incredibly helpful!!! Unfortunately, we have run out of gift cards to compensate people for their participation. You are still welcome to complete the survey and share your experience if you would like. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped complete and share this survey!

Wildflower Alliance is taking a look at how common it is for people in our community and beyond to have more than one psychiatric hospitalization over the course of three years.

This survey is only open to people who have stayed on a locked psychiatric unit OR had a loved one who stayed on a locked psychiatric unit.

PLEASE NOTE: Whenever we refer to 'hospitalization' we are referring specifically to psychiatric hospitalization, and not other times when someone might have been in a hospital for medical reasons.

We reserve the right to exclude any survey that appears to be completed by a bot or similar.

Question Title

* 1. Have you or someone you're close to experienced psychiatric hospitalization? (A stay on a short or long-term, private or state-run inpatient psychiatric unit?)

Question Title

* 2. Was there any period in your (or your loved one's) life during which you had two or more stays in a psychiatric unit during one three year period?