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Dear Community of Grace Church,

As we continue this journey through Covid-19, we are working on ways to offer Holy Communion through the winter months.  Our Transition Team has a good framework in place for this "Holy Communion Phase 2.2", but we need your input before we can take next steps!  

We will continue to offer Holy Communion outdoors, similar to our current practice for those who would like to bundle up or simply remain in their cars during this part of the service. 

We will also form small group Communion Pods of no more than 15 people for those who would like to receive Communion in the sanctuary on a scheduled and rotating basis.  All who participate will need to be masked, households will sit at least 6 feet apart, and we'll follow a clear flow of entering and exiting the sanctuary. 

We will continue to stream services online and when Holy Communion is offered, a prayer for Spiritual Communion will be included for those who are not present. Home Communions will also continue. We know that there are many in our congregation who will choose to not participate in in-person worship until the Covid crisis has diminished.

In order to plan in more detail for this approach, we need to hear from you! 

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* 1. Please enter your Name and Email Address 

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* 2. Would you like to be placed in a small Communion Pod (of no more than 15 people) that would be scheduled on a regular, rotating basis for receiving Communion in the sanctuary?

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* 3. If you answered "Yes" to question 2, how many in your household would be participating?

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* 4. If you would like to be in a small Communion Pod, would you be able to attend a service on Wednesday mornings instead of Sundays? (If we get a large number of people who would like to participate, a weekday service will help with scheduling and frequency.)

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* 5. Would you simply prefer to wait until the Covid crisis has diminished before you worship indoors at Grace?

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* 6. Is there anything else you would like the Grace Transition Team to hear?

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