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* 1. How did you participate at the NLR Mini Maker Faire?

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* 2. Where did you hear about the Mini Maker Faire? Check all that apply

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* 3. What did you like best about the NLR Mini Maker Faire? What was your favorite world? What was your least favorite thing about NLR Maker Faire?

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* 4. Did you meet any other makers or attendees at the event that you will follow up with? Please share your story about connections that were made and ideas for collaborations!

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* 5. How was the load in/load out process for you? How was your location within the faire? Please help us improve with your suggestions about day-of logistics?

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* 6. If you participated as a Commercial Maker, did sales meet or exceed your expectations?

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* 7. How was pre-event communications from the organizers to Makers and how can we improve next year?

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* 8. Have you attended or been a maker at a Maker Faire before? If not, were you aware of Maker Faire?

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* 9. What is your knowledge of MAKE magazine?

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* 10. Overall, how would you rate this event?