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Community Activity Guide resident survey open May 8 to 19.

The Community Activity Guide showcases recreation and social activities provided by Lac La Biche County, partners, non-profit organizations and groups who provide programs, events & services, facility and hall rentals, and includes a community contacts directory.  We review and compare our guide to other municipality and town recreation & leisure guides, but we want to hear what you think.    

What is your preferred way to receive and read the guide now?  What information is important to you and your household?  What types of information or resources should be included to help them residents feel connected and aware of what is available?  Is there anything missing to make the guide a complete “one-stop-shop” for all your program and service needs?  These are just a few things we would like you to consider when completing the survey. 

At the end of the survey there are options to:

-Provide your email address to be entered into a draw to win some great door prizes or a Bold Center 10th anniversary commemorative gift!  
-Join our monthly mailing list to receive offers, notices and program updates
-Provide your mailing address if you would like to receive the Community Activity Guide direct to your mailbox
Your ideas, suggestions and feedback are important to us.  Thank you for participating.  

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* 1. How long have you lived in Lac La Biche County?

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* 2. Which of the following best describes your family/household unit?

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* 3. Please indicate the number of people/family members who reside with you in each of the following age categories (choose N/A if this question does not apply to you). Do not include yourself

  1 2 3 4 5 6+
N/A (not applicable)
under 5 years
6-12 years
13-17 years
18-24 years
25-40 years
41-60 years
60+ years

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* 4. Which of the following age categories best describes you?

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* 5. Are you aware of/familiar with the Community Activity Guide?

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* 6. How often do you refer to each edition of the Community Activity Guide?

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* 7. How do you prefer to access the Community Activity Guide?

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* 8. If a mailout option was available, would you subscribe to receive a copy direct to your mailbox?

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* 9. How do you find out about programs, activities, and events taking place in your community? (Please select all that apply)

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* 10. When searching for programs, activities, and events, do you prefer categories to be set up:

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* 11. What information currently displayed in the Community Activity Guide and membership insert is important to you?   Select all that apply.

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* 12. What information is important for you to include on the Community Map?
*Please note: The community map is focused on residents, while the Visitor Guide map is focused more on tourists/visitors to the area.

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* 13. What’s missing? Is there anything you would like to see included in the Community Activity Guide (or membership insert) that isn’t currently included? please specify or type none to continue.

By entering your email address, you will be entered into a draw to win one of our Bold Center 10th anniversary commemorative gift sets or one of 10 great promotional prizes. See below for email entry field.

Join our monthly e-mail list to receive offers, notices, and program updates at
You can unsubscribe anytime by selecting the option at the bottom of the email.

Email your name and mailing address to to receive a mailed copy of the Spring/Summer 2021 Community Activity Guide (by providing us with your information you give us permission to mail upcoming editions of the Community Activity guide twice per year until you notify us to cancel the subscription).

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* 14. Enter Email address to win prize.

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