About this Covenant Agreement

Episcopal Migration Ministries initiated the Rainbow Initiative in 2023 in order to better serve LGBTQ+ people who have fled their countries of origin in search of safety.

By submitting this covenant, EMM and the congregation or community (organization) named below pledge to pursue the Rainbow Initiative in partnership through 2024. This agreement is nonbinding and represents our good-faith commitment to pursuing the aims of the Initiative as described below.

Please address any questions or comments to rainbowinitiative@episcopalchurch.org.

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* 1. This covenant should be submitted by an authorized official of the congregation or community (organization) such as a rector, priest-in-charge, senior warden, or executive director. We will ask for your agreement to the covenant's terms below in separate questions. For now, please share the following information with us.

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* 2. As a partner in this covenant agreement, Episcopal Migration Ministries will: 
A. Provide webinars, online learning community sessions, and a dedicated webpage with resource materials 
B. Individually communicate with Rainbow Initiative Congregations/Communities (RICs) to provide them with information and assistance in their discernment about their path forward in working with LGBTQ+ forced migrants  
C. Introduce RIC representatives to potential partner organizations depending on their specific needs  
D. Name the RIC as a partner in the Rainbow Initiative 
E. Gather and share lessons learned through this Initiative

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* 3. As a partner in this covenant agreement, I agree that my congregation or organization will:
A. Endeavor to have at least two representatives participate in the webinars and learning community sessions 
B. Endeavor to raise community awareness about LGBTQ+ forced migrants through Pride Services, Pride Marches, World Refugee Day events, and/or other activities
C. Participate in periodic discussions with EMM to advance their discernment for this work going forward  
D. Agree to be named as a Rainbow Initiative Congregation or Community (RIC) in press releases, presentations, etc.  
E. Provide EMM with a brief summary of activity and reflections on lessons learned in late 2024 or early 2025

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* 4. Please list at least one additional point of contact for your congregation or organization's work with EMM's Rainbow Initiative

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* 5. Why is your congregation or organization interested in becoming a part of the Rainbow Initiative in 2024? (optional)

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* 6. Is there anything else you would like to tell us? (optional)