The purpose of this survey is to assess the current organizational culture regarding adults’ beliefs and practices for supporting children’s success. 

Organizational culture refers to the underlying set of beliefs, values, and norms that shape its member's patterns of behavior, attitudes, and expectations. This survey will ask questions about you as an individual and your perceptions of your colleagues and leadership so that a range of members within your organization are represented.

Please answer each question honestly. It is okay if there is room for improvement for yourself or within your organization.

*The survey is anonymous and results will only be presented in aggregate form.

Question Title

* 1. On a scale of 1-10 (1: Strongly disagree/disbelieve - 10: Strongly agree/believe) where do you fall?

Strongly disagree/disbelieve
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Strongly agree/believe
I believe every student, regardless of their background or life circumstances, is capable of success.
I believe that some kids will fall through the cracks regardless of how much support we provide.
I help every student regardless of their background or life circumstances, see the potential for success that exists in them. 

Question Title

* 2. It is a priority at our school that every student has a meaningful relationship with at least one caring adult (teacher, administrator, and/or staff member such as front office, lunch monitor, bus driver, etc.)

Question Title

* 3. About how many of the school personnel (faculty, administration, staff):

  No one or almost no one Only a few  Some About half Most Everyone
believe that all students (not just some) are capable of success no matter what.
are intentional about creating opportunities for every child to experience success.
feel a responsibility to ensure a safe and supportive environment where every student (not just some) will experience success.
make it clear to students that they care about their well-being.

Question Title

* 4. How many students feel             while at school?

  None or almost none Only a few Some About half Most All or almost all
Physically safe
Socially/ emotionally safe
Intellectually safe
Connected with adults
Connected with peers

Question Title

* 5. About how many students do you think are excited and hopeful about their future?

Question Title

* 6. Overall, I believe that our school is a supportive and inviting place for all students (not just some) to experience success.