Privacy and Data Security
Will researchers ever be able to link my data/responses back to me?
Yes, the information collected is confidential and is not anonymous. Any information collected is anonymously reported using a coded participant ID.
Will my initial data include information that can identify me (names, addresses, or other identifying material, such as audio, specific demographics, etc.)
Yes. The demographic data will contain names, email addresses, geographic regions, race/ethnicity, and connected industries.
Will researchers assign my data/responses a research ID code to use instead of my name?
Yes. Each participant will be assigned a coded participant ID and a pseudonym, replacing individual names.
If yes, how will researchers create a list to link names with their research ID codes?
A secure link registrar document will be kept. It will be encrypted on an external USB flash drive, separated from the data collected, and coded with pseudonyms.
If yes, how will researchers secure the link of names and research ID codes? How long will the link be kept? Who has access? What is the approximate destruction date?
A link register will be kept by the researcher. It will be encrypted on an external USB flash drive, separated from the data collected, and coded with pseudonyms. I will have access to all of your data and information. In addition, my dissertation chair, committee members, and all College of Doctoral Studies Reviewers may view your information and answers as part of the dissertation review process. The register will have an approximate destroy date of October 2027.
How and where will my data be protected (electronic and hardcopy)?
Data (demographic and initial content questionnaire, emails, consent forms, field notes, memos, audio and video recordings, documents, and interview transcripts) will be protected with usernames, complex passcodes, multifactor authentication, and file-level encryption on an external drive, the researchers’ laptop, and desktop. The data to be collected will include:
Will artificial intelligence (AI) software be used?
For enhanced research efficiency, artificial intelligence (AI) software may be utilized to analyze collected data and may involve the de-identified exchange of some personal or sensitive information. The data will not be disclosed in a way that could identify you.
How long will the data be kept in the protected space?
The minimum is three years.
Who will have access to the protected data?
I will have access to all of your data and information. In addition, my dissertation chair, committee members, and all College of Doctoral Studies Reviewers may view your information and your answers as part of the dissertation review process.
What is the privacy policy for survey platforms (Survey Monkey, Qualtrics, mTurk, Google, etc.), any recording software (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.), interview software, survey software, artificial intelligence software, or transcription software companies?
Where and how will the signed informed consent forms be secured?
The consent forms are signed electronically using Survey Monkey and stored on a protected encrypted external drive.