Question Title

* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. Please indicate the term that you will be completing your degree, certificate or diploma.

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* 3. Provide your permanent address or an address in which you can receive postal mail.

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* 4. May we share your contact information with Alumni Relations/The Foundation?

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* 5. What is your current employment status related to the certificate, diploma, or degree you received or will receive from BCC? 

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* 6. My goal(s) for attending BCC were: (please check all that apply)

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* 7. Did you accomplish your goals at BCC?

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* 8. If you are transferring, to what college or university are you transferring?

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* 9. For each item below, choose one answer which best describes your satisfaction with the QUALITY of services provided by various areas of BCC.

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Not Applicable to You/No Experience
Overall College Satisfaction
Overall College Academic Program Satisfaction
Instruction in Your Program Area Courses
Instruction in Courses Outside Your Major
Instruction in Online and Hybrid Courses
Access to Updated/Appropriate Technology (Online/Hybrid)
Access to Updated/Appropriate Technology (Classroom)
Academic Advising
The Learning Center (TLC) formerly the ACE lab
Disability Services
Financial Aid Services
Learning Resources Center (Library)
Student Activities
Business Office (Payment of Tuition /Fees)
Fitness and Aquatics Center

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* 10. Please provide comments or concerns you would like to share with us about your educational experience.