Development Permit Applications in the UEL - Survey

All responses are anonymous.  This survey addresses influences around some of the latest Development Permit issues within and adjacent to the application properties and the resident community’s ability to know when, where and how long they have to respond to the changes and impact these applications represent. We welcome your response.
1.What area do you live in?
2.In what type of dwelling do you currently reside?
3.Do you currently rent or own?
4.The geology of the UEL (Point Grey Peninsula) includes many uncharted underground streams throughout the area.  Do you think that the UEL should require all new Development Applications to have a Geotechnical Assessment that outlines the potential impact of the foundations/volume of deep basements, construction on wetlands, and underground parking levels on the underground watercourses and stream paths?
5.Many lots and single-family properties in the UEL share a border with Pacific Spirit Park. Do you think that a completed Environmental Impact checklist should be included as a requirement in any new Development Permit Application where the site is adjacent to or borders on Pacific Spirit Park?
6.At present the only way for a UEL Resident to find out about new Development Permit Applications in the UEL is by discovery while walking/driving around the UEL, or by one neighbour telling another neighbour about a DP Application sign that they discovered. Should the UEL Office publish a current list of active Development Permit Applications on the UEL website so that we could all see what is proposed change in our Community?
7.Should the UEL Office publish a current list of approved Building Permits on the UEL website on a weekly basis?
8.Should the UEL office publish a current list of Stop Work Orders Issued on the UEL website on a weekly basis?
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered