To learn more about the fellowship, visit:

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Pronouns

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* 4. Birth Date


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* 5. Email

Question Title

* 6. Phone

Question Title

* 7. Do you currently live in the East Bay?

Question Title

* 8. LinkedIn profile

Question Title

* 9. Please upload your resume as a PDF.

PDF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 10. Reference #1 (professional connection, academic connection, and/or someone you volunteered with)

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* 11. Reference #2 (professional connection, academic connection, someone you volunteered with, and/or a peer)

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* 12. What is your connection to the East Bay Jewish community? (min 50 words)

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* 13. How have your experiences led you to this fellowship? (min 150 words)

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* 14. What do you believe you can contribute to this fellowship and to the East Bay Jewish community? (min 150 words)

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* 15. At the end of this fellowship, you will complete a capstone project to address a problem you've identified as a gap, challenge, or opportunity in the Jewish community. What skills or passions do you want to bring to your capstone project? Do you already have a project in mind?

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* 16. If you are invited to be one of our fellows, would you like to be matched with a mentor who is an established leader in the Jewish community?

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* 17. If you are hoping to be matched with a mentor, tell us more about what you would like to get out of the mentorship.

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* 18. Which of the following groups describe you? Check all that apply.

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* 19. If you checked Jewish, tell us more - check all that apply to you.

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* 20. Where did you hear about this fellowship?