
Following these instructions will help us ensure the accuracy of this survey. Thank you!

1. Please respond to this survey only once. If you need to correct an answer, use the "Back" link at the bottom of any page.

2. Enter all figures in round U.S. dollars ($US), no decimal points or punctuation (DO NOT USE COMMAS OR DOLLAR SIGNS!)

3. When reporting numbers, be as precise as you like, but DO NOT shorten the figures (NOT "100K" or "~100" if you mean "100000")

4. All compensation numbers must be annualized (report your 2020 calendar year compensation)

5. The Attitude section of the survey is optional, but if you do offer a response to some of the questions, we encourage you to complete the whole section (it'll give us better results).

6. When you complete the Survey, you'll get to an "exit" page where you'll be invited to participate in our $100 Amazon gift card giveaway. Fill out the fields and submit for your chance to win!