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Negotiations for your new EA continue between your union and HCF management. 
As part of these negotiations, HCF management have proposed a number of significant changes to your overtime, penalty rates, call-in overtime rates, rostering requirements, overtime for part time workers, meal allowance and pay cycle. 

We seek your feedback on the proposed changes, which are summarised below. 

Changes to overtime HCF Management are seeking to redefine when overtime payments apply. Their proposal would mean you would need to work an average of 37.5 hours per fortnight to qualify. This would negatively affect part time workers the most. 
Changes to penalty rates Currently, working on a Saturday entitles you to a 150% penalty rate loading for the first 2 hours and 200% for all further hours worked on Saturdays. HCF Management are proposing to NOT pay you the penalty rate loading of 150% for work performed between 8AM - 12PM on Saturdays. 
Changes to call-in overtime rates Currently, if you are ‘called-in’ to work outside the ordinary hours of work, you will be paid a minimum of 4 hours overtime. HCF Management have proposed to change this to 3 hours overtime meaning you lose an hour's overtime pay for 'called-in' or 'called-back' work.
Changes to RDOs Currently, rostering requirements entitle you to have 2 consecutive days off per week. HCF management are seeking to remove this requirement so your weekends or days off equivalent can be split.
Changes to overtime for part time workers Currently, part-time employees that are requested to work any reasonable additional hours without 2 weeks’ notice will receive a loading of 20% for all additional hours worked up to 37.5 hours. HCF management is seeking to amend this requirement so that 20% of loading is payable to part time employees only where 1 weeks' notice is not provided. 
Changes to meal allowances Currently, you are entitled to a meal allowance if you have worked at least one hour of overtime on a weekday or over 5 hours of overtime on a Saturday. HCF management want this changed so that you have to work at least 2 hours of overtime on a weekday or 7 hours of overtime on a Saturday in order to qualify for a meal allowance. 
Changes to pay cycle Currently, you are paid fortnightly, 1 week in advance and 1 week in arrears. HCF Management want to change the pay cycle to 2 weeks in arrears altogether for all employees. 
Whilst we understand the logic and principle of this change, we have significant concerns that when and if the transition happens, current employees will have to 'miss out' on a week's pay to make up for the change to arrears. 
HCF management have emphasised that support will be available during the transition for employees who can't afford to 'miss out' on week's pay and we are still actively working with Management to mitigate as much as possible the potential financial loss.

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* 1. What is your full name?
We only ask this to avoid duplicate responses. We will not share this with your employer. 

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* 2. Overall, do you think Management's proposed changes are fair and reasonable?

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