Please Provide Your Feedback

100% of survey complete.
We're ready for a complete overhaul of our Gold-Plus Elite membership program! Our goal is to develop an astro-trading membership service that meets your specific needs, so that you can have a more profitable and more enjoyable time in the markets.

That's why we'd really appreciate your taking a couple of minutes to share your opinions, ideas, and insights.

Thanks for your help!

Question Title

* 1. If you wish, please provide your contact information (this is optional; if you don't provide contact information your responses will be completely anonymous).

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* 2. Which statement best describes you?

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* 3. What are the areas that interest you most in trading and/or investing? (select all that apply to you)

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* 4. what are your current or planned goals and activities with investments and/or astro-trading? (Select all that apply to you)

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* 5. How do you most like to get information?

  Yuck!!! Doesn't usually work for me. So-so. I can take it or leave it. I generally like this approach. Wow! I love it!!!
Attending live workshops and seminars.
Joining conference calls and webinars.
Watching DVDs.
Listening to audio CDs.
Reading printed materials.
Getting personal consultations or one-on-one coaching.
Listening to online audio.
Watching videos online.
Looking things up on websites.

Question Title

* 6. Our Gold-Plus Elite program includes the weekly newsletter, access to members-only areas on the website, weekly conference calls that review specific trading plans and strategies, regular webinars that provide a broader market perspective, exclusive astro-trading charts for proposed trades that feature pre-calculated planetary price lines, money management tactics for active trades, interactive Q&A calls, and members-only discounts on selected products and services. Our Model Portfolio for Gold-Plus Elite members consistently out-performs the major market indices, yielding a 28.48% ROI in 2014. At the current membership fee of $257 a month, do you think that the Gold-Plus Elite Membership program is a good value?

Question Title

* 7. During the time that we've been offering the Gold-Plus Elite membership program, we've included a number of specific services and features that have changed from time to time. Based on your experience, please rate each of the following parts of the Gold-Plus Elite membership program:

  Don't Know or Never Used It Absolutely Hated It Didn't Really Like It, But Somewhat Useful Take It or Leave It - It Was So-So Adequate & Helpful, But Nothing Exciting Very Good and Useful - I Truly Like It Absolutely Fabulous - Give Me More!
Stocks To Watch in Newsletter
Daily Planetary Harmonics on Weekly Calls
Power Number Calculations
Review of Monthly Commodity Trends
Newsletter E-Mail Delivery
Newsletter Download on Website
Model Portfolio Trading Track Record
Intraday Inflection Points on Weekly Calls
Current Trading Charts
Online Newsletter Archive
Discount Prices on Astro-Trading Products
Articles on International Markets
S&P Bullish/Bearish Projections
Suggested Initial Stops on Trades
Q&A Conference Calls
Monthly Webinars
Discounts on Consultation Services

Question Title

* 8. For you to be active as a Gold-Plus Elite member, what new or improved feature, service, or experience would be the most helpful for you? What could we be doing that would blow your socks off, truly exceeding your expectations?

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* 9. What are your biggest fears, frustrations, or worries about astro-trading, or about being involved in the markets in general?

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* 10. Please share any other ideas, questions, concerns or observations that you have which might help us create an improved and more effective membership program for our Gold-Plus Elite members. (This response is optional) Thanks!