Experiences and Priorities of QUFA's BIPOC Members |
About this survey
With this survey, the QUFA BIPOC Caucus is hoping to support the QUFA bargaining team with information and suggestions for strengthening rights and protections for Black, Indigenous, and racialized QUFA members.
The survey is designed in two parts. The first part will ask you about experiences with racism at Queen’s in research, teaching, and service. The second part will ask you about your bargaining priorities so we can communicate them to the bargaining team.
Please only fill out this survey if you are a Black, Indigenous, or racialized QUFA member.
The survey should take ca. 10 minutes. All answers are anonymous. If you have any questions about this survey, please direct them to caucus co-chairs Norma Möllers (norma.mollers@queensu.ca) or Ayça Tomaç (ayca.tomac@queensu.ca).
The survey is designed in two parts. The first part will ask you about experiences with racism at Queen’s in research, teaching, and service. The second part will ask you about your bargaining priorities so we can communicate them to the bargaining team.
Please only fill out this survey if you are a Black, Indigenous, or racialized QUFA member.
The survey should take ca. 10 minutes. All answers are anonymous. If you have any questions about this survey, please direct them to caucus co-chairs Norma Möllers (norma.mollers@queensu.ca) or Ayça Tomaç (ayca.tomac@queensu.ca).
With gratitude,
The QUFA BIPOC Caucus.