Help us identify unsafe streets in View Ridge.

The initiative our neighbors asked the VRCC, View Ridge Community Council, to tackle at our annual meeting in September is - street safety and safe routes in View Ridge for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists.
This survey of our VR neighbors is to gather data on where we feel the dangerous spots are in our community. 
We have already met with the Dept. of Neighborhoods and SDOT and with many of our neighbors to start assessing our street safety issues.
Please tell us what and where our biggest problem spots are so we can work toward a solution and make our streets safer for all of our neighbors.
Our next community meeting on this issue will be held  in January of 2018, location TBD.
Please plan on attending this meeting to help us move our initiative forward for safer streets in View Ridge.
We will confirm the meeting details asap.
Thank you, VRCC.

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* 1. Do you live in the View Ridge neighborhood?

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* 2. Please tell us what you feel are the most dangerous intersections, crosswalks, etc. in the View Ridge neighborhood.

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* 3. Please describe any incidents, or close calls, that you have witnessed in the View Ridge neighborhood. These personal accounts will be given to the city with our request for street safety improvements.

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* 4. Can we follow up with you if we need more information?