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* 1. Personal Contact Information:

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* 2. Name of school you are attending with:

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* 3. Please classify your volunteer status:

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* 4. Have you been a volunteer for Junior Achievement before?

Junior Achievement of East Tennessee - Volunteer Conduct Standards
Each year Junior Achievement staff shall convey these standards in writing to all volunteers prior to their first visit to the
classroom. Staff shall review these standards verbally, as well, with volunteers teaching for the first time.
Junior Achievement (JA) serves youth. JA volunteers teach valuable lessons in their program delivery and especially in
their conduct with students. Adult misconduct with or in the presence of youth carries serious consequences. Because
Junior Achievement cares that its volunteers have healthy, appropriate relationships with the youth they serve, it has
established the following standards.
1. Young people look to adults for examples of appropriate behavior. JA volunteers must use appropriate language and
model honorable behavior, such as respect, integrity, honesty, and excellence. Profanity or sexualized language or
jokes are inappropriate when working with students, regardless of whether it occurs face-to-face, over the Internet, or by
any other means. JA strictly forbids violating any state law regarding interactions with youth; for example, providing
them alcohol or legal or illegal drugs, or coaxing them into illicit relationships over the Internet or otherwise.
2. Volunteers should avoid all contact with students beyond a business handshake.
3. Interactions with students must both be appropriate and appear appropriate. It is expected that volunteers’ interactions
with students are at all times appropriate and professional, and are strictly related to the role of business mentor. It is
unacceptable to seek or engage in one-to-one meetings with students at any time.
4. Volunteers are responsible for the quality of interactions. Students often find it difficult to state discomfort or objections.
Volunteers must be especially sensitive to physical and verbal cues that youth provide.
5. Volunteers will be presenting, facilitating and discussing various programs, content and ideas with students that are
likely owned by JA, its licensors or the students. A primary purpose of the JA programs is to encourage creativity by
the students. By working with JA and the students, Volunteers agree that they do not obtain any intellectual property
rights therein, will not seek ownership in or to contest those intellectual property rights, and will not attempt to secure
trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights or registrations therein without prior written consent from Junior
Achievement USA.
The aforementioned standards do not represent a comprehensive list. Other actions not included could result in
suspension or dismissal as a volunteer. JA volunteers also must read and comply with JA’s Social Media Policy.
Junior Achievement takes all complaints of misconduct seriously. Credible allegations of misconduct will be promptly
reported to the appropriate authorities. During any such investigation, the JA volunteer will not perform services as a JA
volunteer. If an investigation determines misconduct occurred, it will result in the immediate and permanent dismissal as a
JA volunteer.
Any JA staff member or volunteer who reasonably suspects misconduct must report these suspicions immediately to the
appropriate JA staff person within their JA Area.
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Junior Achievement of East Tennessee
Social Media Policy for Volunteers

At Junior Achievement (JA) we understand that the Internet and social media platforms are constantly changing, but there are certain principles that remain. While it is your right to use social media (Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.), everything you post can be viewed by others and reflects our organization. To ensure that JA remains held to the highest standards, the following social media policy has been enacted.
JA volunteers, staff, and members of the board should keep in mind that whatever is published on their social media sites is public, regardless of privacy settings. The opportunity for followers to take screenshots makes even private accounts—or deleted posts—susceptible to being shared publicly.
JA volunteers/staff must communicate on social media sites professionally and respectfully, just as JA would expect them to communicate were they present in person. All communications with young people must be appropriate, both in terms of the student’s age and the relationship between the adult and student. Profanity, sexualized language or jokes, images of a sexual nature, or similar communications involving adult topics, drugs or alcohol, are never appropriate around students, no matter if they occur in person, in an email or text message, or on a social media site.
Admins, editors, and account holders of JA social media accounts must keep all personal social media separate from the JA social media profiles they manage. Young people may have difficulty distinguishing among an adult’s different roles. Therefore, JA volunteers/staff must presume that any communications with a JA student will be perceived by the student as relating to JA business and must act accordingly.
In compliance with Junior Achievement’s existing volunteer/staff conduct standards, JA volunteers/staff should not actively “friend,” “follow” or correspond with minor-aged students directly through common social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. The only social media interaction with students should occur through a JA-administered social media platform as part of a JA program and with the consent of students’ parents. JA volunteers should not reach out to any minor students through public platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram or any other social media platform not directly controlled by JA.
Information can spread quickly online and can easily be misinterpreted or taken out of context. Any posts that reference JA or include a link to the organization’s website should reflect the organization in a positive light and include only accurate public information.
Taking unauthorized photographs/videos of members or participants, guests, volunteers, or children is prohibited, regardless of whether or not staff choose to share those photos/videos to personal social media platforms.
If pictures are needed for JA’s website, flyers, social media, etc., they are to be taken by designated/approved staff only and must be accompanied by a signed photo release form to be kept on file. Should a school decide to post their own photos taken during the JA event, those who volunteered or managed the JA event are then able to re-share those images on their personal or business social media platforms.

Question Title

* 5. I have received a copy of Junior Achievement's Volunteer Conduct Standards and Social Media Policy and have read, understand, and will abide by these standards. Please return this form to the Junior Achievement office.

By selecting the "I Accept" button, you are signing this agreement electronically and certify that I have never been charged with a crime of violence or a crime involving a child or young person, or, if I have, that I have fully disclosed in writing the facts regarding such a charge to the local Junior Achievement office.

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* 6. Did you know that Junior Achievement has In Classroom programs for grades K-12? Would you like more information on how to become a classroom volunteer at a school near you ?

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